Our Computer Services

New PC Setup

Set Up The Way You Like IT

Wireless Setup

Networking For You

Data Recovery

Tips to Back IT Up

PC Health Check

Get Your Speed Back

Computer & Laptop Repairs

Fix IT Done With Ease

Virus Removal

Wave Spyware Goodbye

Gold Coast Home Computer Repairs

***I have many brand new custom built computers in stock and ready to go***

***I have many brand new Laptops setup and ready for sale ***

***Plus many parts in stock***

Available 7 days a week!

I offer four options

Option 1: Bring your computer / laptop to me

Option 2: I can work on your computer / laptop at your home

Option 3: I can pick up, repair and return your Computer / Laptop

Option 4: I can remote log in to your Computer / Laptop

Give me a call or send me an email I can advise on your best option or even help you to fix your problem over the phone

Feel Safe and Find me on Google Maps

Thinking of buying a new computer / laptop? – I can help!!

Also check out my Desktop Computers I can build to your requirements or advise on what to buy elsewhere and I’ll set it up for you

Laptops I always have at least one Laptop in stock ready to go but can order in to suit your requirements I also can setup any laptop you buy elsewhere

Also check out my Refurbished section for Laptops and Desktops as these can change very quickly

I can offer advice on computer use spend time with you showing you how to do basic things easily and safely like surfing the internet, paying bills online, checking emails and much more

Had an accident with your Laptop or Desktop ask Home Computing for a repair or replacement Insurance Quote

Upgrade your PC or buy a new one – Best advice given

No Accepting American Express

Security help and advice on the best software to use to keep you safe online

Completely free software or paid whichever is best for you

Learn how to use the latest Windows 11                                                      All major cards accepted!

Networks set up either wireless or cabled to suit your needs

SSD and Sata Desktop Hard Drives, RAM, Graphics Cards, Monitors, Mice and keyboards, Speakers

**New Laptop Screens Many Now in Stock**

Or ordered in on a Next Day Delivery

Many used older screens on the shelf ready to go and cheap

Laptop keyboards, batteries, hard drives and power sockets all available many in stock

Over 20 years experience and here to stay on the Gold Coast

Quotes given and free if you come to me!!

Based In Helensvale and Covering The Gold Coast and More

Our Computer Geek Blog

Cyclone update

Please stay safe during the storm and keep a check on the updates from the QLD Government   I will endeavor to try and stay working as and when might be needed via teamviewer as long as I have power and an internet connection…   I have been in Hospital for a couple of nights30

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Outlook Classic is being phased out?

  Yes, Outlook Classic is being phased out, and Microsoft plans to support it until at least 2029. Microsoft is encouraging users to switch to the new Outlook. How will Outlook Classic be phased out? Automatic switch: Users with personal Microsoft accounts will be automatically switched to the new Outlook.  In-app notifications: Business users will30

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Telstra Email Issues

Some are having email issues with Telstra / Bigpond   Don’t try and change the password.   Telstra know about the issue and are working to fix ASAP   Check outages here for an update Telstra Outages  

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After a PC for Christmas

Christmas is not far away now… I have some great PC’s in stock and ready to go… I have 2 amazing refurbished Gaming PC’s AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 32GB DDR4 500GB SSD Brand New AMD Radeon RX 660 Win 11 ———————————————————— Intel i7-10700K 16GB DDR4 250GB SSD 1TB SSD 2TB HDD Nvidia GeForce RTX 307030

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Action Needed – You may lose access to some of your third-party mail and calendar apps

Microsoft will no longer support the use of third-party email and calendar apps which ask you to sign in with only your Microsoft Account username and password. To keep you safe you will need to use a mail or calendar app which supports Microsoft’s modern authentication methods… What that means is that Outlook.com will require30

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Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs get two additional years of warranty coverage

Intel is committed to making sure all customers who have or are currently experiencing instability symptoms on their 13th and / or 14th Gen desktop processors are supported in the exchange process “We stand behind our products, and in the coming days we will be sharing more details on two-year extended warranty support for our30

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What Our Client Say

Highly recommend Howard from Home Computing, very knowledgeable & reasonably priced.


( Pacific Pines )

Howard was a great support when my computer crashed, would highly recommend.


( Hope Island )

Counselling, coaching and meditation for adults, children, young people and families

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