Windows 10 – One Week Later

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Windows 10 – One Week Later

Since installing Windows 10 I’ve had no real problems to note.

Everything just works like it did in Windows 8.1

I’m still using Start8 so I have a start menu like in Windows 7 but I can use the new menu which windows 10 has and its so much better than in Windows 8/8.1

Today I did my first Windows 10 upgrade for a customer who had purchased a reconditioned dektop with Windows 8 on it and was told simply go online and it’ll update to Windows 10

If only it was that simple lol

I installed the new Windows 10 from a USB stick it went great it took about an hour including all the updates and mesages saying nearly done, almost, soon.

What ever happened to the % bar

I then installed some free software to help protect the customer and so far just about all the software I like to use is working great on Windows 10

I’m sure I’ll be getting calls for assistance as and when more upgrade and I’m sure older PC’s might have more issues with drivers


But I’m starting to think Microsoft might have got this one right


But keep checking back as this can easily change

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Windows 10 – The Early Days

Windows 10 – The Early Days

The new operating system from Microsoft has finally been released and it’s being offered as a free upgrade for the first 12 months from either Windows 7 or windows 8.1

Also you can do a fresh installation so install from scratch and this will be probably the best way to go to have a clean start.


I’m doing an upgrade and a fresh install so I’ll be updating this blog to let you know my findings

Like all operating system releases there will be little bugs and a service pack or like with windows 8 a full fixed version winodws 8.1 will most likely appear in time

Would I advise to upgrade now


I’d wait until a few weeks months have passed and keep on checking here as I’ll be reporting back on my findings

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