End of Financial Year

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End of Financial Year

Wow what a year we’ve had so far…
Kids back to school soon and hopefully back to some sort or normality in the near future
But I guess small steps are the best way forward then we don’t have to fall back too far
Nearly half way through May so only about 7 weeks to go until the end of this financial year
Now’s the time to start planning for any computer upgrades to get them in and set up and get the claim in this year
As always I’m happy to help with any purchase whether it be from me or one of the big shops I can help
Plus I can setup any device whether you buy from me or not

Planning is the key so not to be disappointed

Give me a call or email me to discuss any options and answer any questions you might have

As always please stay safe online and beware of scammers on the phone and via email

Plus lets keep the Coronavirus in check and download the app to speed up the opening of Australia

Counselling, coaching and meditation for adults, children, young people and families

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