Windows 10 upgrade not wanted to go back you have 28 days to do so

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Windows 10 upgrade not wanted to go back you have 28 days to do so

If you’ve upgraded to Windows 10 by mistake all is not lost

You have 28 Days to go back

To do so:

Start menu / Settings / Update and Security / Recovery

You’ll have an option for 28 days to go back

Windows 10 is pretty good and once its tweaked a little I see no reason to not use it

But upgrading to it is not always the right option

So many things can go wrong

So is it worth the risk

My answer is no

If it aint broke don’t fix it

Its a free upgrade and if it works and all goes to plan well yes it is free

But if it doesn’t work for you and you miss the 28 day time limit to go back easily

Well guess what it is isn’t free any more

Plus lots of software require you to update to the latest versions

Many are not free to do so

So it can be a costly upgrade

MYOB is one for starters

Microsoft are offering this information to stop the update

This software also seems to do the job for you

They have a user guide here

I’m testing it out now

Use with caution

If unsure on any of the issues raised in this blog please drop me an email or ring me for honest advice

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