Windows 10 Upgrade or Not?
Windows 10 upgrade Should I upgrade or not?
I’m getting asked this question so many times now from new and old customers
I don’t think there’s a correct answer to the question to be honest
I’m running Windows 10 on my main computer and I don’t have any problems with it at all
But I’m still running windows 8.1 on my server
Why you might ask?
Well my view is you don’t fix what isn’t broken
The Windows 10 upgrade is offered for free
But that doesn’t mean you need it
If you do the upgrade lots of settings need to be changed when doing so from updates being shared with the internet not just your local network to basic privacy issues
I can
I’m getting lots of calls from some that have upgraded by mistake as it’s so easy to do so and then it costs them money to either get it running ok for them or put them back to where they were before the upgrade
Then it isn’t free anymore
My advice to those who want to be on the latest operating system and do so before the free upgrade offer expires is to make sure your computer is running well before doing so…
No crashes, no popups, random shut downs as the upgrade won’t fix them and probably make things worse
Please contact me for advice before making the decision to do the Windows 10 upgrade and I’ll offer my honest opinion on what you should do